Make a Donation

Your donation reaches the needy orphans in our orphanage in full and without detours. We will even provide you with full expense receipts and photos and videos of the food purchased with it upon request.

We're sorry, we can't accepts Paypal or credit card payments at this time. These kind of popular payment service provider don't offer their services in countries like Uganda. The only options that work for us right now are:

Smartphone transfer (preferred method)

Moneygram, SendWave or WorldRemit Mobile Wallet.
Byarugaba Isma
Code Address:
Phone # (Airtel):
Phone # (MTN):

Western Union transfer

Byarugaba Isma

After sending via Western Union, please tell us the MTCN code, the exact amount and the sender's full name in the contact form below.

Bitcoin transfer

Bitcoin Lightning Address:

Get Lightning invoice or Qr code at Orphans of Uganda's Machankura page.

We have also a Geyser fund page.

Types of donation

  • One time gift

    Spend as much as you want whenever you want. All help is urgently needed and appreciated.

  • Monthly donation

    Donate a certain amount every month. Even if it's only a little. So we can calculate and plan better.

  • Sponsoring a child

    Take over the school sponsorship of one child per year: 180 € for day school, 600 € for boarding school.

Donation Notification Form

If you make a donation and

  • you want to let us know
  • you want it to be for a specific purpose (e.g. sponsoring school costs)
  • you need a donation receipt
  • you want to see evidence of what we spent it on

or because of any other reason, please use our contact form below.

If you send us money without notifying us via the contact form, we will treat the donation as an anonymous donation and use it for what we need it most.


  • This form is not for sending money. It is only to contact and inform us.
  • Your email is not stored on this server (only in our secure email inbox) and we do not share your data with anyone.
  • The email goes to

    I have made a donation

    I've sent it via:

    [group group-wu]


    I request (optional)