Thank you for choosing to make a difference through your donation. We appreciate your support more than words can express.” “From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your generous contribution. With supporters like you, we know we can achieve our goals.
Treatment bills
We have managed to make the payment for treatment bills for over 50 orphans who have been on treatment, due to malaria, infections, cough, and cold. This couldn’t have happened without your helping hands towards these orphans.
Around five million six hundred ninety-seven thousand shillings (5,697,000 shillings ) of Ugandan money were received and worked on clearing pending medical bills for orphans.
Thanks to our dear donors for the great love and care towards our needs and for considering our requests to words various needs. May each of you be blessed accordingly.

Some children who were sick are now doing better and healthy, and we do believe everyone will be okay at the end of full treatment, thanks for being there for these needy children whenever support is needed. Thanks