Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude, I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Thanks for supporting us on monthly basis for your support, thus we keep on going forward may your giving hands stay blessed accordingly.
Foods and none foods
A donation of 1,250 euros or 4,920,000 shilling was made to our organization this month, for purchasing foods and none foods to cover up.
Such as Maize flour, cooking oil, tomatoes, onions and beans where among our purchased items on sides of eatable.
None foods
Soap for bathing and body lotions for prevention of dry skins causing body infections. Other amount was spent on transportation of our foods and none foods from marketplace to the organization, and other amount was spent on internet bundles to stay online and keeping our donors updated on whatever do happen here

Thanks brother and sisters for the great work you’re offering our ways, may your dreams become reality for humanitarian hearts in you. We couldn’t be how far we are without your helping hands on foods and other needs. Thanks